
Some Surprising Signs That Your Home May Need a Blocked Drain Specialist

If your home has a drain that is completely clogged and you've tried unsuccessfully addressing this issue with a plunger or some type of homemade remedy, then of course you're going to need to call blocked drain specialists. However, a completely clogged drain is not the only sign that there is a blockage in a plumbing pipe, as sometimes that blockage isn't so severe that it doesn't allow any and all liquids to pass through. Read More 

How to Ensure That Your Restaurant Business Is Correctly Plumbed for Safety

If you are getting ready to open a commercial operation such as a restaurant, you need to pay particular attention to health and safety matters. While you will be focusing a lot on food preparation and storage, you also need to be sure that your utility systems are correctly configured. In particular, you need to make sure that you have an adequate amount of backflow prevention in place, especially as this is a condition imposed by licensing authorities in most cases. Read More 

How To Deal With A Blocked Basement Drain And Prevent Future Blockages

Dealing with a blocked drainpipe in your home is never a particularly pleasant experience, but at least a blocked drain in your bathtub or kitchen sink has little likelihood of doing any serious damage. A clogged floor drain in your basement, however, is a far more serious matter; since all free-flowing moisture in your home will eventually find it's way into the basement, blocked basement drains can rapidly cause catastrophic flooding that can cost many thousands of dollars. Read More 

Unblocking Your Drains without Chemicals

Blocked drains can sometimes feel like the bane of your existence. It might not sound like such a big deal, but just think of it—being unable to do something as simple as emptying your sink. The frustration! This is why it's not all that surprising that many homeowners just opt to chuck a harsh chemical drain cleaner into the mix in order to solve the problem as quickly as possible. To each their own, and yet you might not particularly like the idea of such a potent chemical fix. Read More 

How to Proceed If You Have Blocked Drains at Home

Isn't it amazing how many things people take for granted? Just have a look around the home, as an example. Everybody expects to have fresh, running water whenever they need it and also rely on this water disappearing just as quickly as it arrived, down the drain. However, sometimes things don't go as planned and this dirty water seems to stick around, like an unwanted guest. If you have a drainage problem and the cause is not fully obvious, what should you be looking for? Read More