5 Benefits of a Heat Pump Hot Water System

A heat pump hot water system is one of the most efficient ways to produce hot water for your home. Efficient, environmentally friendly and affordable to run, a heat pump water heater could bring significant benefits for you and your family. 1. Eco-Friendly A heat pump works by drawing heat from the earth and using it to heat water. Even if you do not live in a particularly hot part of Australia, a heat pump can still extract a significant amount of heat from the ground. Read More 

Fix Your Slow-Running Bathtub and Make Bath Time More Enjoyable

Slow running means that water stays in your bathtub much longer than it ought to after you pull the plug. No one wants wake up to a bathroom that drains slowly. The issue develops over time, and it's hard to identify it as soon as it starts. Many homeowners ignore the issue until it becomes a serious problem. Fortunately, a slow-running bathtub problem is resolved easily by using basic tools and methods when you know what you are dealing with. Read More 

4 Preventive Tips to Avoid Plumbing Emergencies

Plumbing emergencies are pretty annoying and inconveniencing once they do occur. In fact, you need to have an emergency plumber in your contacts to effectively manage such situations. However, you don't have to worry, as some of the most common plumbing emergency can easily be avoided. Also, with the right tools and skills, you can easily evade plumbing emergencies in your home. Below are four preventive tips that you need to follow to avoid plumbing emergencies. Read More 

4 Reasons to Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Many homeowners reach for a chemical drain cleaner when they face a blocked drain, but this is not always the best approach. Drain cleaning chemicals can damage health, bathroom fittings and the environment—and they do not even always work. Take a look at these arguments for trying an alternative approach, such as using a drain snake or calling a professional plumber, before pouring drain cleaner down the drain to fix a clog. Read More 

Can Dishwashing Liquid Unblock Your Toilet?

If your toilet isn't flushing as strongly as it should, then you may have a minor blockage that is holding things up. This isn't unusual, and the toilet usually clears itself on its own. However, if your toilet doesn't show any signs of improvement after a couple of days, you need to act. A friend tells you that they use dishwashing soap to clear small clogs. How does this work and will it work on your lethargic flush? Read More